Donate and Support

  • Your generous financial gift can help ensure that no child or at-risk family from our region will go without care or assistance. Visit our secure donation page below:

    Donate Now

    Special areas of support include kitchen projects, summer camp, in-home visiting and tuition assistance. Of course, you may also designate your gift as unrestricted and allow us to use it to address our greatest needs. Whatever the amount – and whatever the method – every gift helps in a different way.

    United Way

    Our United Way Contributor Choice number is 1529465.

    Shop for Providence

    You can help us while you shop by participating in any of the following:

    Amazon Smile     Labels For Education        Goodshop_logo_small

    Providence Connections, Inc. is a public charity 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The official registration and financial information for Providence Connections may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling 1-800-732-0999. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Registration does not imply endorsement.

For More Info

For additional information on making a charitable tax-deductible donation or to set up a sustaining account, contact Lori MacQueen, Interim Executive Director, at 412-766-3860 x303 or email