25th Anniversary Celebration

  • Providence Connections invites you to join us in celebration of our 25th Anniversary on June 14, 2019 at the LeMont Restaurant as we honor our founders and ministry sponsors, the Sisters of Divine Providence.

    On this evening, we will present the annual Family Leadership Award to the past Executive Directors of Providence Connections:


    The impact of your sponsorship directly benefits our programs and services, as well as more than 400 children and families who are strengthened and enriched by the work of Providence Connections. Download the Sponsorship PDF to learn more.


    Purchase tickets here.

For More Info

For additional information on making a charitable tax-deductible donation or to set up a sustaining account, contact Lori MacQueen, Interim Executive Director, at 412-766-3860 x303 or email lmacqueen@providenceconnections.org.